


一旦碰撞時, 就粉粹了!


Ecclesiasticus 13: 2 (The New Jerusalem Bible)

Do not try to carry a burden too heavy for you,

Do not associate with someone more powerful

and wealthy than yourself.

Why put the clay pot next to the iron cauldron?

It will only break when they bang against each other.


人一生的好與壞, 窮與富,生死都在掌握在祂的手中.

唯有全心全意信靠祂的, 將承受祂的恩典直到永遠.

安息日平安!  分享:

Ecclesiasticus 11:14-17 (The New Jerusalem Bible)

Good and Bad, life and death, poverty and wealth, all come from the Lord.

To the devout the Lord’s gift remains constant, and his favour will be there to lead them for ever.


災難,疾病,死亡降臨在自己的家人, 親朋好友身上時; 是否還能相信 神是公義的,仁慈的,憐憫的,還是帶著怨恨離開了.  當世界各地發生災難時, 總有人埋怨

” 神祢在那裡”, “為何不救我家人, 我這麼愛祢”, “降災難的 神, 我不信”………

以賽亞說 義人被接走是神的美意, 不讓他們遇見將來的大災禍. 也許我們都無法明白 “ 這叫神的美意”  ,  叫人妻離子散, 生死別離是平安的.  但在神的眼中是賜福, 是冶煉成金, 是馨香的祭

以賽亞書 57: 1-2

遇見將 ;他

希望這段經文能安慰  失去至愛的家人 與好友

Wisdom 3:1-9 (The New Jerusalem Bible)

The souls of the upright are in the hands of God,   and no torment can touch them.  To the unenlightened, they appeared to die, their departure was regarded as disaster, their leaving us like annihilation; but they are at peace.   If, as it seemed to us, they suffered punishment, their hope was rich with immortality; slight was their correction, great will their blessings be.  God was putting them the test and has proved them worthy to be with him; he has tested them like gold in a furnace and accepted them as a perfect burnt offering.  At their time of visitation, they will shine out; as sparks run through the stubble, so will they.  They   will judge nations, rule over peoples, and the Lord will be their king forever.  Those who trust in him will understand the truth, those who are faithful will live with him in love; for grace and mercy await his holy ones, and he intervenes on behalf of is chosen.                                                    


分享The  New Jerusalem  Bible -Ecclesiastics 18:9-10

The length of his life: a hundred years at most.  Like a drop of water from the sea, or grain of sand, such are these few years compared with eternity.

人生短暫,匆匆就過, 別太在意一生的得失, 尊榮; 永遠無法與神應許的永生相比,   期盼著住進神的家.


今天又讀到以賽亞書22:15-25, 讓我想起多年前動彈不得的臥病在床, 夫君表演講解這段經文以搏我一笑.  

神叫以賽亞去見舍伯那(Shebna),先知開口就罵他,誰叫你在這高處築墓園,你不知你將被一陣風上下把你捲成球, 丟到遙遠地方,再也回不來了.

先知接下來就預言那日到來, 神必呼召Hilkiah的兒子Eliakim來取代Shebna的位子. 而這段預言的人是誰呢?


以賽亞書 22: 23-25)  我必將他安穩 ,像釘子釘在堅固處; 他必作為他父家榮耀的寶座 .  他父家所有的榮耀 ,連兒女帶子孫 ,都掛在他身上 ,好像一切小器皿 , 從杯子到酒瓶掛上一樣 . 萬軍之耶和華說:當那日釘在堅固處的釘子必壓斜,被砍斷落地 ;掛 在 其 上 的 重 擔 必 被 剪 斷. 因 為 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的.


聖經說給了希勒家的兒子以利亞敬, 誰是Eliakim?

聖經上的人名在希伯來文意思常可看見神隱藏的預言, 他們的名子字可以幫助我了解這些預言.

以利亞敬(Eliakim) 在希伯來文意思是  “God rises"
希勒家(Hilkiah) 在希伯來文意思是: “ God is my portion”

神預言耶穌就是那木釘(PEG), 祂把一切的器皿都掛在耶穌身上,   直到那日來到(上十字架時), 這木釘就被拔除了 ;  所有掛在這釘上的器皿就會掉下來, 掛在祂身上的重擔也就沒了.   神的恩典使我們將來在千禧年時能與耶穌基督一起掌權,  住在神的聖殿內.


指的是祂第一次來時背上我們這些被揀選 的重擔,  等到主耶穌死而復活時, 這些重擔 (我們的罪) 就全掉下來. 可以看看以斯拉 記9: 8更能明白耶穌就是那救贖者

以斯拉 9:8


Matthew 23:15-16 New King James Version

15 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.

16 “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘Whoever swears by the temple, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obliged to perform it.


你們這些假冒為善眼瞎的人, 到各地去使人信神,  使他們帶著比你自己更多的罪走入地獄, 成為地獄之子.

我們真的要求神打開我們的靈眼, 以勉落在撒旦網籮.



分享The New Jerusalem  Bible

Wisdom 3:1-7

But the souls of the upright are in the hands of God, and no torment can touch them.  To the unenlightened, they appeared to die, their departure was regarded as disaster, their leaving us like annihilation; but they are at peace. If, as it seemed to us, they suffered punishment, their hope was rich with immorality; slight was their correction, great will their blessings be.  God was putting them to the test and has proved them worthy to be with him; he has tested them like gold in furnace and accepted them as a perfect burnt offering.

不管多大的災難都無法傷害義人(信靠神的人) ,  他們的死在世人(不認識神, 不明白神恩典) 眼中視為 “是降災, 是為惡的報應” ; 卻不明白他們只是歇工, 安穩的睡著了.  

世人永遠也不明白死後的祝福, 神把他們冶炼成馨香的祭.



馬可福音4:26 -29說: 神的國如同人把種撒在地上.  黑夜睡覺, 白日起來這種就發芽漸長, 那人卻不曉得如和這樣.  地生五穀是出於自然的,先發苗後長穗, 再後穗上結成飽滿的子粒.  穀既熟了就用鐮刀去割,  因為收成的時候到了.

剛信主時總熱心的想把好消息如撒種子般到處散佈,  往往注目在種子何時發芽; 以為自己的見證定可使種子發芽, 忘了撒水, 施肥的在於神的時間.  

我這粒種子是30多年前被ㄧ對外國傳道夫妻播種的小種子,  12年後才露出嫩芽,  埋伏在土中多年.  記得那時我只不過想去離家近的教會學英文,  不記得他們夫妻名字, 但每次上課都那位先生都會彈吉他教我們唱詩歌,禱告,  女老師會用開放式探討聖經, 讓我們自由發揮對經節的看法,她並沒有強迫我們信耶穌. 他們送給每位學生一本Good News Bible,  而這本聖經陪我漂洋去了美國.

擱置在角落多年的Good News Bible直到我信主後才把它送給先生, 夫君也與我同時受洗信主.  那倆位傳道者不知是否還在台灣, 但他們播種已發苗成小樹, 且也讓家人, 好友信主.  

我曾在回台時帶著家人去重遊這教會( 中壢浸信會), 真心感恩這撒種的教會.